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Well, I accidentally hit the Save button by accident.

The theme surpasses “excellent.”

And the quality of the theme is only surpassed by the most excellent support that AJ provides via the “Discussion on Total – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme.” He works long, hard hours (too hard, I’d say), goes way out of his way to answer all questions in great detail every single day, and has great grace with and patience for all, including and especially those of us who are new to WordPress and have had to learn, with his help, how to crawl and to stand before we could walk. I don’t know what I would have done without his help.

I’d give it twenty stars, instead of the maximum of five, if I could.


Zuiderzeestraatweg 62-A
8096CB Oldebroek

Mobiel: 06 - 24 39 17 08

KVK nummer: 81296916
BTW nummer: NL862043037B01

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